The writing is on the wall

OH and I went for a gentle walk (in light of my continued convalescence which is becoming quite tiresome) which followed the River Fleet from King's Cross to Blackfriars. The river of course is hidden, as are many rivers in London (apart form the Thames obviously). Today's theme for photos seems to be writing on walls which always intrigue me:

 I don't think this is a Banksy but still liked the image.
 OH was a little worried that I loved this wall so much. The style just seems so out of place to the regular blocks and bricks you see in London. It just jumped out at me!
 Wise advise under the Roseberry Aveune viaduct
 Address written on the wall
 This drinking trough in Clerkenwell is just round the corner from the fabulous Three Kings where OH and I met (at the music quiz). But is also close to where one of my dad's relatives lived in 1870, 16 years before this trough was laid.
 And this is the exact address where they lived though the original building is no longer there and is a fancy apartment block.  According to the records this area was very rough in 1870 and when the parish priest visited the area he needed protection

And this is the pub just down from 55 Saffron Hill. Dickens drank here and it's mentioned in Oliver Twist, inspiration for Bill Sykes' hang out.
 How times have changed...
 And this well toned man can be found at the Holborn Viaduct
 And underneath the viaduct were these two sets of writing on the wall (above and below)

 As always with our walks we ended up in a  pub, the Blackfriars which is as amazing on the outside as it is on the inside.
 Though I've not spotted this risque dragon high  up
And finally this week's sneak picture of OH taken in the reflection from a bike helmet's visor. Happy Easter!!


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