Spring is in the air

The weather this year is definitely topsy turvey this year. It's been so mild so the flowers seem to be coming into life way too early with daffodils in full bloom in January alongside the snowdrops and crocuses. I've been taking a lot of photos for work so popped into Tavistock and Gordon Squares at lunch time to take some snaps during my lunch break:
 The daffodils are so bright and vibrant

Blossom and crocuses in Tavistock Square with a monument to Ghandi above 

 I love these stripped crocus

 Tavistock Square holds a collection of hellebore which always warm the soul during the dark days of January. This double hellebore is always a favourite of mine. 

 This little chap was singing his little heart out.  
I also caught him on film if you want to see him in action - sorry it's a little wobbly....
 I love the carpet of crocuses which spread over the grass
 Blossom is also starting coming through 

 Love the sun coming through these daffodils
This isn't the best photo but it's of a bluebell which aren't due until early May! So there we have it, a snapshot of Spring in a day! 


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